Sperm Bank
The sperm bank is established to help patients to preserve their own sperms. It can also allow infertile couples to have a chance of child bearing with the help of donor sperm. The sperm bank consists of state of the art equipment and professional staff to provide high quality service to the community.
Types of Programs
Sperm Preservation Program
- Preserve sperms for patients who are undergoing any medical treatments that may cause infertility and/or sperm genetic damage
- Maximum storage period is 10 years or when patient reaches 55 years old
Sperm Donor Program
- Donate sperms to help infertile couples
- Maximum storage period is 10 years or when donated gametes have brought about 3 live birth events
- Donors identity shall remain anonymous
Donor Requirements
- Age between 18-45
- In good health
- No infectious diseases
- No genetic diseases
What to Expect to be a Sperm Donor?
Suitable Sperm Donor:
Medical Examination
- Assessed & examined by doctor
- Blood, urine, semen analysis
Sperm Collection
- Encourage to collect 3-6 times
After 180 days
- Reassessed & examined by doctor
- Blood and urine analysis
If you are interested becoming a sperm donor, please contact us at 2608 8223 for details.
Reference: Code of Practice Reproductive Technology & Embryo Research (Jan 2013). The Council on Human Reproductive Technology
- Ahmadi, A and Ng SC. 1999. Developmental capacity of damaged spermatozoa. Human Reprod. 14:2279-2285.
- Bungum M, Humaldan P, Axmon A., et al. 2007. Sperm DNA integrity assessment in prediction of assisted reproduction technology outcome. Human Reproduction. 22(1): 174-179.
- Breznik Pregl B, Kovacic B, Vlaisavljevic V. 2013. Are sperm DNA fragmentation, hyperactivation, and hyaluronan binding ability predictive for fertilization and embryo development in in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection? Fertil Steril. 99(5):1233-41.
- Huszar G. 2012. Sperm testing and ICSI selection by hyaluronic acid binding: the hyaluronic acid coated glass slide and petri dish in the andrology and IVF laboratories. Practical manual of in vitro fertilization: advanced methods and novel devices. New York: Springer. 241-257.
- Worilow K.C, Eid S, Woodhouse D., et al. (2013). Use of hyaluron in selection of sperm for ICSI; a significant improvement in clinical outcomes-multicentre, double-blind randomised trial. Hum Reprod; 28(2): 306¡V314
- Yagci Artay, Murk William, Stronk Jill., et al. 2010. Spermatozoa bound to solid state hyaluronic acid show chromatin structure with high DNA chain integrity: an acridine orange fluorescence study. Journal of Andrology. 31(6):566-572.