In vitro fertilisation




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  • 多次宮腔內人工授精失敗
  • 多次試管受精失敗
  • 不明原因不孕
  • 超過40歲的男士精液單個參數異常。例如:嚴重畸形 (正常形態<1%) 或弱精症 (前向運動<20%) 或精液中大量圓形細胞 > 5%
  • 男士泌尿、生殖系統重複感染
  • 慣性流產

1. 精子脫氧核糖核酸碎片含量測試 (Sperm DNA Fragmentation Assay)

  • 精子的細胞核和脫氧核糖核酸的完整性是與卵子受精和胚胎的發育相關的
  • 此測試能夠分辨出具有完整脫氧核糖核酸的精子及有脫氧核糖核酸殘碎的精子
  • 精子脫氧核糖核酸碎片指數(SDF)能夠預測宮腔內人工授精妊娠結果。當SDF值大過30%時,成功懷孕至生育的機會從19.0%顯著降至到1.5%。SDF值大過30%的夫婦應直接接受試管嬰兒治療程序。利用體外受孕(IVF)單精子卵漿內注射(ICSI),可顯著提高懷孕機會。我們亦建議利用physiological ICSI (PICSI)來增加懷孕的機會。PICSI使用透明質酸為化學因子能吸引成熟和形態正常的精子作單精子卵漿內注射(ICSI)

2. 精子透明質酸結合分析 (Sperm Hyaluronan Binding Assay)

  • 透明質酸是包圍在卵母細胞周圍的卵丘細胞的主要成分,在自然受精過程中,它作為一個化學因子吸引精子,並誘發精子的超活化
  • 只有成熟的精子才能夠結合到透明質酸和卵子透明帶,精子與透明質酸結合的數量是一個指標,可以確定精子的成熟和生理功能
  • 透明質酸結合分析是一個獨特的方法,對於懷疑不育的男士可以用此方法預測精子對卵子的受精能力
  • 參考資料︰

    1. Ahmadi, A and Ng SC. 1999. Developmental capacity of damaged spermatozoa. Human Reprod. 14:2279-2285.
    2. Bungum M, Humaldan P, Axmon A., et al. 2007. Sperm DNA integrity assessment in prediction of assisted reproduction technology outcome. Human Reproduction. 22(1): 174-179.
    3. Breznik Pregl B, Kovacic B, Vlaisavljevic V. 2013. Are sperm DNA fragmentation, hyperactivation, and hyaluronan binding ability predictive for fertilization and embryo development in in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection? Fertil Steril. 99(5):1233-41.
    4. Huszar G. 2012. Sperm testing and ICSI selection by hyaluronic acid binding: the hyaluronic acid coated glass slide and petri dish in the andrology and IVF laboratories. Practical manual of in vitro fertilization: advanced methods and novel devices. New York: Springer. 241-257.
    5. Worilow K.C, Eid S, Woodhouse D., et al. (2013). Use of hyaluron in selection of sperm for ICSI; a significant improvement in clinical outcomes-multicentre, double-blind randomised trial. Hum Reprod; 28(2): 306–314
    6. Yagci Artay, Murk William, Stronk Jill., et al. 2010. Spermatozoa bound to solid state hyaluronic acid show chromatin structure with high DNA chain integrity: an acridine orange fluorescence study. Journal of Andrology. 31(6):566-572.